The brain and play: 2 important subjects
BundleFrom child psychotherapist and author Dr. Graham Music comes an enlightening 2 course bundle that brings together critical aspects of child development: the power of play and the science of the developing brain.
The Brain: Things we need to know
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)This is my take on what we need to know about the brain, how and why it forms as it does, what the effects of trauma and neglect are, and why such understandings can help us in our practice, all made simple.
Cultural Difference and Children's Development
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Learn why understanding cultural differences in children is vitally important. See how how culture shapes brains, beliefs and behaviours. Learn to avoid cultural biases, to give all children the best chance to thrive,
Why life before birth is so crucial to later experience
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Find out why life before birth is so crucial for later life. Learn how the fotus is its own being who makes choices and learns while in the womb. See how the mother's state of mind and what she eats can affect later experience. Be amazed!
The incredible new-born: What they can do and what they need
Course4.8 average rating (6 reviews)This course will explain the incredible capacities that infants are born with. It shows how, from birth, babies interact, learn, adapt, and we will think a bit about what can go wrong as well as their incredible potential.
Play: Why it is literally vital
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Play is vital and speeds up so many other developments. Play does not develop without good early emotional experience. Play is the root of creativity, of internally motivated learning, it allows processing of complex feelings and helps life feel FUN