Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to this course on prenatal life

    2. Background

    3. Your time as a foetus and your birth

    4. Fertilization is amazing: watch this!

    5. Co-embodiment: This is different

    6. Two bodies co-existing: Examples from women I Interviewed

    7. Homeostasis and it takes 2 to tango

    1. Early signs of life

    2. The foetus has clear agency

    3. A flavour of the extraordinary journey of the foetus

    4. The first trimester

    5. Early brain development

    6. A few facts about the second trimester

    7. Take in more of the flavour of these beginnings: A 5 minute video

    8. More on the foetal brain

    9. The last trimester

    10. Video showing the journey from fertilization to birth (on youtube from Dandelion team)

    1. scans bonding, positives and ..

    2. Piontelli and ultrasound observations

    3. A short video clip of twins in utero

    4. Lost twins

    1. Culture is important from the start

    2. Language and cultural learning starts in utero

    3. Rituals

    4. Culture and prenatal bonding

    5. Ancestors

    6. More on rituals

    1. Stress. How worried should we be?

    2. Stress and its effects

    3. Catherine Monk on prenatal stress

    4. Stress in pregnancy

    5. Drugs prescription and others

    6. Alcohol and foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

    7. Smoking and its effect on the foetus

    8. Foetal programming

    9. Foetal Programming

    1. Why prenatal bonding?

    2. A video about prenatal bonding put together by the Parent-Infant Foundation

    3. Is it bonding?

    4. Some bonding examples

    5. Mother-foetal bonding examples

    6. More clinical examples

    7. Scan and developing brains

    8. So ... prenatal bonding

About this course

  • £19.99
  • 51 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Start learning about pregnancy and life before birth NOW